Daqo New Energy Signs Polysilicon Supply Agreement with Trina Solar


Daqo New Energy Corp., a manufacturer of high-purity polysilicon for the global solar PV industry, has signed a long-term high-purity polysilicon supply agreement with Trina Solar, a global solar PV system integrator.

“As a global solar PV solution provider, we are always committed to innovation and quality improvement,” says Jifan Gao, chairman of Trina Solar. “We are pleased to enter into a long-term partnership with Daqo New Energy. This will help us better execute our strategy, which is to provide advanced solar PV products and solutions with higher efficiency so as to address fast-growing demand in solar PV market, drive grid parity and benefit society through green energy.”

Under the supply agreement, Daqo New Energy will provide Trina with high-purity mono-grade polysilicon in a total amount of 30,000 MT ~ 37,600 MT between November and December 2023. Actual prices will be negotiated by both parties monthly according to market conditions. As part of the supply agreement, Trina will make an advance payment to Daqo New Energy.

For more information on Daqo New Energy Corp.’s high-purity polysilicon, click here.

Photo: Trina Solar’s landing page

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