Detroit Edison Seeks Participants For SolarCurrents Program


Detroit Edison says it is looking for several businesses and educational institutions with large rooftops or ground area to host solar energy installations.

The utility is starting another aspect of its pilot SolarCurrents program, which calls for photovoltaic systems installed on customer rooftops or property to generate 15 MW of electricity throughout its Southeast Michigan service area over the next five years.

Detroit Edison plans to invest more than $100 million in the program, which requires customers to participate for 20 years. The solar energy systems will be owned, installed, operated and maintained by the utility. In return, customers will get an annual credit on their energy bill based on the system size, as well as a one-time, up-front construction payment to cover any inconvenience during installation.

The utility is accepting applications through April 29. Interested participants should own a facility with 15,000 square feet of unobstructed roof in good condition or a similarly sized area on the ground.

SOURCE: Detroit Edison

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