Duke Energy Ohio Seeking 15,000 Megawatt Hours Of Solar By 2012


Duke Energy Ohio is seeking proposals for renewable energy resources to begin delivering energy in the 2009-2012 time period to comply with requirements under Ohio's new renewable energy portfolio standards. Notably, the utility has set an annual volume goal of 15,000 MWh of solar by 2012.

The Ohio energy law recently signed by the governor requires Ohio utilities to generate 50% of their renewable power from facilities located in the state. As a result, the company will give preference to renewable power produced in Ohio.

‘This is the first step in implementing one of the key provisions of the new Ohio energy statute,’ says Sandra Meyer, president of Duke Energy Ohio. ‘We hope that our request will garner significant interest in the renewables industry in Ohio.’

Because the administrative rules implementing the new law have not been issued, Duke Energy Ohio reserves the right to update the request for proposals as necessary. Bidders will be asked to submit a notice of their intent to bid, so the company can provide any updates to those interested in bidding.

A Web site, www.duke-energy.com/environment/ohio-rfp.asp, has also been established for bidders, but all proposals must be made in hard copy.

SOURCE: Duke Energy Ohio

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