DuPont Apollo, Loxley Complete 8.7 MW Solar Farm


DuPont Apollo, a wholly owned subsidiary of DuPont specializing in silicon-based thin-film PV modules, has completed an 8.7 MW ground-mounted solar farm in collaboration with Thailand-based Loxley PLC, through a joint venture called L Solar 1 Co. Ltd.

This project represents a new milestone in Thailand's progress toward meeting the country's goal of fulfilling 20% of its total energy consumption needs with renewable sources by 2022, DuPont Apollo says.

Located at Prachin Buri Province of Thailand, 180 km from Bangkok, the 8.7 MW solar farm – covering approximately 344,000 square meters – is composed of DuPont Apollo thin-film photovoltaic modules. With the completion of its system installation, the solar farm will be grid-connected by the fourth quarter of 2011. The project has an average annual production capacity of 12 GWh, according to DuPont Apollo.

The electricity generated from this solar farm will supply electricity to the grid through the Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand, under Thailand's current Very Small Power Producer feed-in-tariff program.

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