Edwards Launches Sirius 6000 Abatement System


Edwards, a supplier of vacuum and abatement equipment and services, has introduced its Sirius 6000 abatement system, which addresses greenhouse gas abatement challenges arising from dielectric and polysilicon etch processes.

The company says the system's design uses an energy-efficient microwave plasma in a carefully controlled chemical environment and an integrated wet scrubber to reduce fab greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 95% over a wide range of total flow rates and perfluorocompound (PFC) concentrations.

‘With the change from traditional PFC gases to nitrogen fluoride remote plasma cleaning for chemical vapor deposition chambers, etch processes have become the major PFC emitters,’ says Nigel Hunton, Edwards' CEO. ‘Our new Sirius 6000 system is specifically designed to address this issue.’

Edwards: 44 01293603451

SOURCE: Edwards

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