Enel Green Power Mexico Expands Solar, Wind Projects


Enel’s Mexican renewable subsidiary, Enel Green Power Mexico (EGPM), has signed an agreement with the country’s Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) for a 10% expansion of its Villanueva and Don José solar photovoltaic parks and Salitrillos wind farm.

The expansions of the three facilities will require an overall investment of around $97 million and will add around 107 MW to Enel’s renewable capacity in Mexico.

The expansions of the 754 MW Villanueva solar park (to 828 MW), the 238 MW Don José solar park (to 260 MW) and the 93 MW Salitrillos wind farm (to 103 MW) are currently under construction.

The solar facilities and wind farm are expected to be completed in the second half of this year and first half of next year, respectively.

The expansions are the result of an existing option in the energy sales contracts linked to the three plants and awarded to EGPM in Mexico’s first two long-term energy auctions. The contracts for Villanueva and Don José were awarded in the first auction, and the contract for Salitrillos was awarded in the second auction; they were both carried out in 2016.

All three projects are backed by contracts for the sale of specific volumes of energy for 15 years and clean energy certificates for 20 years to CFE.

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