ENGIE Completes Sun Valley Battery Storage


ENGIE’s 100 MW Sun Valley Battery Storage project in Hill County, Texas, has been commissioned.

The project is one of the company’s largest utility-scale storage facilities in the U.S. so far. It is co-located with the company’s existing 250 MW Sun Valley Solar project, which commenced operation last year.

“We have more than 2 GW of energy storage already under construction in Texas and other states expected to be commissioned by end of 2024,” says Dave Carroll, chief renewables officer of ENGIE North America. “Together, these projects will contribute to ENGIE’s global aspiration of 10 GW of energy storage installed by 2030.”

The storage system can dispatch electricity into the grid when needed, including the ability to meet peak hour electrical needs of some 10,000 average homes, says the company. The system can be charged both from the co-located solar facility as well as from the wider grid. 

The Sun Valley Storage project comprises 308 battery cabinets and involved more than 3,500 workdays to construct, including both local and regional skilled workers.

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