Ferrovial Building Floating Solar PV Plant for Utility


Spanish water utility Canal de Isabel II has awarded an engineering, construction and commissioning contract to Ferrovial, an infrastructure developer, for a 1.7 MW floating solar plant in Torrelaguna, Madrid.

The contract is the first in Canal de Isabel II’s solar plan, an initiative promoting the generation and self-consumption of renewable energies, and represents an investment of $48.9 million.

The infrastructure will be installed during the first months of 2023 on the lower reservoir of the Santa Lucía Hydroelectric Power Plant in Torrelaguna, Madrid. It will generate more than 2,000 MWh of energy. The facility will also reduce the evaporation of water from the reservoir.

Ferrovial launched the energy solutions division within its construction department to help carry out the Horizon 24 Plan. The plan outlines collaborations with solar and wind power plant development, energy transmission and distribution projects, and energy services.

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