First Residential Parabolic Solar Concentrator System Now Online


Southern New England Solar LLC (SNES) has installed what the company says is the first solar parabolic concentrator on a residence in the U.S. The system is currently providing all domestic hot water, space heating and pool heating for a large residence on the island of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.

SNES has been awarded a three-state exclusive distributorship (Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut) for a new solar product called the Solarbeam – a 15-foot diameter parabolic solar collector that uses GPS navigation to track the sun's location throughout the year.

The primary use of the Solarbeam is expected to be commercial buildings that have high levels of hot water demand, as well as large residential applications. By 2012, by using the latest concentrated triple-junction high-heat photovoltaic technology, the Solarbeam is expected to also simultaneously produce both hot water and electricity.

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