Flabeg Offers New Parabolic CSP Mirrors With Improved Strength And Reflectivity


Flabeg FE GmbH has unveiled its new generation of parabolic trough mirrors for concentrating solar power (CSP) applications.

The company says its new mirror is fabricated from strengthened annealed glass, combining higher strength with a superior precision of curvature and solar reflectivity. The focus deviation of the new mirror is lower than 6 mm, which Flabeg says is an improvement of more than 1 mm over its current mirrors. The new mirror also has a solar reflectivity of more than 94.5%.

‘The enhanced performance of the mirrors means that the effective solar area can be made smaller,’ says Franz Reimer, head of Flabeg research and development. ‘The need for collectors and their components is reduced, making further cost savings possible.’

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