Florida PSC Approves Settlement Agreement for SolarTogether


The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved a settlement agreement for Florida Power & Light Co.’s (FPL) community solar program SolarTogether.

FPL, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Vote Solar and Walmart offered a settlement agreement for the SolarTogether program and tariff, saying it expands fuel diversity and saves costs due to the decreasing price of solar generation. The Office of Public Counsel opposed the agreement.

“The commission approved the settlement agreement because this unique solar program is in the public interest of the State of Florida and offers FPL customers the opportunity to advance renewable energy in the state,” says Gary Clark, chairman of PSC.

“The new solar additions will serve to reduce the risk of higher fuel and emissions costs for all FPL ratepayers,” he adds.

During a technical hearing on the proposed program in January, commissioners heard from all parties to the case and had the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and study evidence.

FPL’s program was developed to give customers the opportunity to support solar power without the need to install solar on their rooftops. Participating customers will subscribe to a portion of new solar power capacity and, in return, they will receive credits expected to reduce their monthly bills over time.

Under FPL’s plan, the utility will install 1,490 MW of solar at 20 new solar power plants across FPL’s service territory, with projected long-term savings of $249 million.

FPL serves nearly 5 million customer accounts in Florida.

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