Former EPRI Exec Joins NREL To Lead Energy Systems Integration


Bryan J. Hannegan will join the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) on June 24 as associate laboratory director for energy systems integration, an area of research and development that addresses challenges of integrating clean energy sources into the national energy infrastructure.

Hannegan joins NREL from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), where he held several high-level positions since 2006. Most recently, he was vice president for environment and renewable energy at EPRI, leading a $45 million environmental research program and establishing a new renewable energy division. Hannegan also served as vice president for environment and generation from 2008-2010 and, earlier, as vice president for environment research and development.

In his new position, NREL says Hannegan will lead energy integration research programs, which address issues across the entire energy system – including generation, transmission, distribution and end-use. Much of that research will be conducted at the DOE's new utility-scale Energy Systems Integration Facility on NREL's campus in Golden, Colo.

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