Foster Wheeler To Supply Steam Generation Equipment For Gemasolar Project


Foster Wheeler AG says that a subsidiary of its global power group has been awarded a contract by SENER-AMSA JV to design and supply the steam generating equipment for the new Gemasolar Project tower-type concentrated solar power plant in Seville, Spain.

SENER-AMSA has also awarded Foster Wheeler the feedwater heater equipment contract for the facility. Initial operation of the solar plant is expected in 2010.

The CSP plant, as designed by SENER-AMSA, utilizes the SENER Central Receiver System design with molten salt heat storage, which provides higher efficiency and utilization factors than units without storage, according to Foster Wheeler. The salt is heated by concentrated solar light reflected by heliostat mirrors toward a tower-mounted receiver. Once heated, the salt is then circulated through the Foster Wheeler equipment to produce steam for electricity generation.

SOURCE: Foster Wheeler

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