Google Signs 128 MW PPA with X-ELIO for Texas Solar


X-ELIO has signed a PPA with Google for 128 MW from the company’s Bell Solar PV Plant. located in Texas.

The solar farm is expected to start operations next year, with Google using its total capacity. The agreement will consist of a physical PPA, in which X-ELIO will enable the direct delivery of power to Google through a shared network.

The plant will also include a 100 MW battery energy storage system. 

“This agreement is a milestone in X-ELIO’s strategy to develop and provide renewable energy for business supply,” says X-ELIO’s Kerri Neary. 

“With more than 5 GW of pipeline, including 1 GW expected to reach NTP by the end of 2024, the United States is solidifying its position as one of X-ELIO’s key markets.”

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