Government Support Predicted To Boost India’s Solar Market


India's capacity of solar power plants was approximately 6 MW in 2009, increasing around threefold over 2008's totals, according a new report from RNCOS. Increasing energy needs of the population are expected to partially be fulfilled by solar power plants in the coming years.

India, which is the fifth largest consumer of energy in the world, is expected to become the third largest by 2030. At the same time, the country is heavily dependent on fossil sources of energy for most of its demand. This situation has necessitated the country to start aggressively pursuing alternative energy sources, RNCOS says.

With state governments taking initiatives to increase their solar power plant capacity, central government support will result in the addition of solar power plant capacity in the coming years. Although grid-connected solar power generation in India is currently very small, the government is targeting a capacity of 50 MW by 2012 through its Generation Based Incentives program.


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