Green Sun Rising To Supply Mobile Solar Units For Canadian Demonstration Project


Ontario-based Green Sun Rising Inc. has signed an agreement with the not-for-profit Arctic Energy Alliance (AEA) for the purchase of five mobile solar off-grid systems for the Northwest Territories.

The five mobile solar units are equipped with Canadian Solar modules and incorporate inverters, charge controllers and battery backup systems. The units will be shipped to Yellowknife to demonstrate the functionality and advantages of solar systems in the Northwest Territories.

Green Sun Rising President Klaus Dohring says the demonstration project will show how solar off-grid systems are an affordable and effective way of providing electricity, especially in remote areas.

‘We are being supplied factory-direct by Canadian Solar for most of our projects, and we use 250 watt mono- and poly-crystalline modules in this particular project,’ Dohring says.

The mounting systems and frames are made from Green Sun Rising's mounts4solar mounting system, with wheels added for mobility. The systems for the AEA use maximum power point tracking charge controllers. For storage, the systems incorporate maintenance-free, sealed AGM batteries that are deep-discharge capable for solar applications.

‘They need to be low temperature tolerant, for obvious reasons,’ Dohring says.

Each system uses a pure sinewave 1000 W nominal rated 120 V AC inverters, with up to 2000 W surge capability. All electronics are integrated into a NEMA-rated enclosure. The systems provide 120 V AC output as well as 12 V DC output.

Dohring stressed that all systems are are properly fused with breakers, use only code compliant materials and will be inspected by Ontario's Electrical Safety Authority before delivery.


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