IKEA Plans Five More Solar Installations


Home furnishings retailer IKEA says it will add solar PV systems to five more of its U.S. locations, all in the Midwest.

Pending governmental permits, installation will begin this winter, with completion expected this summer. Implementation of these projects will extend the IKEA solar presence to nearly 85% of its U.S. locations, according to the company. Collectively, the five stores will total 4.8 MW of solar generating capacity, approximately 20,400 panels and an annual output of 5.62 kWh of electricity.

The arrays will be installed in Bloomington, Minn. (1.14 MW); Bolingbrook, Ill. (1.12 MW); Canton, Mich. (977 kW); Pittsburgh (694 kW); and Schaumburg, Ill. (867 kW). For the Pittsburgh store, IKEA contracted with REC Solar. For the four other locations, IKEA contracted with SoCore Energy.

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