Industry Coalition Calls On New York Government To Pass Solar Legislation


A coalition including representatives from several solar advocacy organizations – as well as other allies – met with legislators in New York this week to urge them to create long-term supportive solar policy by approving the Solar Jobs Act.

Unlike surrounding states, New York does not currently have a binding, long-term megawatt goal for solar energy, thus compelling the market to pursue opportunities elsewhere, according to the coalition. The group – which includes representatives from the Alliance for Clean Energy New York, thr NY Solar Energy Industries Association, Vote Solar and other organizations – says the Solar Jobs Act currently has bipartisan support in both the State Assembly and Senate.

The legislation would call for the development of 5,000 MW of solar energy by 2026 and create tens of thousands of new jobs, according to a legislative summary

‘We believe that the state must set an ambitious solar goal by [a certain date] equivalent to 5,000 MW of solar on the grid by 2025,’ the solar coalition says. ‘We also believe that the state must develop policies that stimulate the demand for and incentivize the local manufacture of products in the solar supply chain.’

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