Interior Secretary Salazar Approves 275 MW Centinela Solar Project In California


Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has approved the Centinela solar energy project, a 275 MW plant under development in California. The installation will connect, via a 230 kV transmission line, to the existing San Diego Gas & Electric Imperial Valley Substation.

The solar plant will be located on 2,067 acres of previously disturbed private land near El Centro, Calif. The Department of the Interior (DOI) approved the right-of-way for 19 acres for the power line on public land, and Imperial County gave a green light to the solar power plant on Dec. 27.

The project will support at least 367 jobs, generate more than $30 million in tax revenue over the life of the project, and deliver enough electricity to power about 82,500 homes, according to the DOI.

The project underwent extensive environmental review in order to mitigate potential environmental impacts, the DOI says. Approval of the Centinela project required funding for the acquisition of 80 acres of additional habitat for the flat-tailed horned lizard.

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