Intermolecular Collaborating With Saudi Arabia-Based University On Solar R&D


Intermolecular Inc. has announced an ongoing project with Saudi Arabia-based King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) that aims to enhance copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar PV manufacturing technology.

The Solar and Photovoltaics Engineering Research Center (SPERC) at KAUST in Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will collaborate with Intermolecular's High Productivity Combinatorial (HPC) platform in San Jose, Calif., on the research and development of CIGS solar cell materials and process interdependencies.

‘The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is focusing enormous resources on developing renewable energy technologies as part of the strategy to transform its fossil-fuel-based economy in the coming decades," says Ghassan Jabbour, director of SPERC." KAUST is at the forefront of this effort and sees CIGS technology as extremely promising in terms of its potential to deliver the lowest-cost solar electricity in the Kingdom.’

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