Intersolar Launches ‘Summits’ Global Conference Program


In addition to the existing Intersolar exhibitions and conferences taking place in Europe, the U.S., India, China and South America, Intersolar is launching its new global conference program, Intersolar Summits.

Intersolar says it will initially run events in New Jersey and Arizona, as well as Mexico and Chile, in the first half of the year.

The first Intersolar Summit took place in Brazil in 2012, and the concept has since expanded into Intersolar South America. The organizers intend for them to provide companies working within the solar industry and their partners new ways of accessing the market.

In contrast to the large international Intersolar Conferences, the Intersolar Summits will have around 200 to 300 attendees who wish to find out detailed information about their respective markets and forge new contacts. Up to 15 companies from within the solar sector and their partners will be invited to each summit, where they will be able to engage with the organizers on-site.

The venues and further details on each of these events can be found here.

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