Italian Solar Groups Declare Solar FIT Cuts ‘Markedly Unconstitutional’


Future changes to solar feed-in-tariff (FIT) rates, as announced by Italy's government, are ‘markedly unconstitutional,’ according to a coalition of industry groups, including APER, Assosolare, Asso Energie Future and Gifi.

The groups have launched a joint appeal asking the country's president, Giorgio Napolitano, to not sign the decree, claiming that it ‘does not comply with the parliamentary mandate empowering the government to introduce legislation incorporating the terms of the European directive to foster the use of [renewable energy.]’

‘Moreover, it is an arbitrary act taken by the government without the agreement of the regions, which expressed their views on a text substantially different from the one then approved by the cabinet,’ adds Pietro Pacchione, chief executive of APER. ‘Parliamentary prerogatives have also been violated, and in particular, the terms of the mandate conferred on the government.’

‘The decree as now approved will have very serious negative effects at once,’ notes Valerio Natalizia, chairman of Gifi. ‘Over 100,000 workers directly employed in the sector will be laid off immediately and placed on the special redundancy fund.’


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