Italy Jumped To First Place In PV Installations Last Year


PV power installed in Italy represented more than 33% of the global market in 2011, making Italy the No. 1 market for PV installations, according to Gerardo Montanino, managing director of GSE (Gestore Servizi Energetici, Italy's green energy incentives management agency).

Germany, however, retained its spot as the world's No. 1 market for cumulative installed PV, with 24.7 GW installed. Italy took second place, with 12.7 GW. PV accounted for 31% of Italy's total renewable energy generation in 2011.

Nearly 95% of Italy's towns now host at least one PV plant in their territories, compared to only 31% of towns in 2007. The region with the highest amount of installed solar power is Puglia (17.1% of the total), followed by Lombardia (10.3%), Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Piemonte.

According to Montanino, nearly half – 49% – of Italy's installed PV is ground mounted, while 41% is on roofs, 6% is on shelters and greenhouses, and the remaining 4% is in miscellaneous settings.

A total of 70% of modules used are polycrystalline silicon, while 23% are monocrystalline silicon and 7% are thin film. Nearly 89% of the power produced by PV is owned by companies, whereas only 8.5% belongs to individuals.

Montanino presented the GSE's findings at the Italian PV Summit, which is currently taking place in Verona.

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