Michigan will continue to collaborate with other Midwest partners to make the region the clean energy center of the U.S., according to Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm, D-Mich., who addressed the closing session of the Midwestern Governors Association (MGA) Jobs and Energy Forum.
‘Clean energy is an opportunity that the Midwest is capitalizing on as states continue to be leaders in driving economic growth and innovation,’ says Granholm, chair of the MGA. ‘We are focused on ways to create jobs in this new energy economy, both in Michigan and across the Midwest.’
Granholm also joined Gov. Jim Doyle, D-Wis., to unveil MGA's Jobs Platform and Energy Infrastructure Accord. The accord is designed to help attract investment in clean energy and prepare the regional workforce for new jobs that are expected to be created in this sector, according to Granholm.
The Energy Infrastructure Accord identifies steps that states will take to expand electricity transmission, carbon capture and storage, and smart grid and biofuel transport technologies so states can efficiently transmit clean energy throughout the region to the rest of the country.
The governor says the accord brings the Midwest a step closer to meeting energy goals by transforming ideas into tangible results and capabilities.
SOURCE: Office of Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm