Johnson Controls Planning Educational PV Projects At Utah Schools


Johnson Controls, a diversified technology and industrial company, has completed a solar installation at Salt Lake City School District's Hillside Middle School, the first of many schools participating in Utah State Energy Program's new Solar for Schools program.

The Utah State Energy Program selected Johnson Controls to oversee the design and installation of 73 solar photovoltaic arrays at schools throughout the state, with at least one array in each of the state's 41 districts. Johnson Controls will install 5 kW PV systems as a part of the Solar for Schools program. The program is funded by a $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Students will have the ability to track live data from the solar installations, compare the data across schools throughout the state, and measure the effects of temperature and location of the energy output. The program also includes a comprehensive K-12 curriculum and teacher training on the benefits of using energy generated by the sun.

SOURCE: Johnson Controls

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