Kansas Legislation Codifies RES, Allows For Net Metering


Gov. Mark Parkinson, D-Kan., has signed legislation that codifies the state's renewable energy standard (RES) and allows Kansans to generate their own power through net metering.

‘Prior to this year, Kansas was falling behind many other states in the production of cleaner energy,’ says Parkinson. ‘More than two-thirds of the country had a renewable energy standard, and Kansas was one of only six states not to allow net metering. With this legislation, we are no longer at the back of the line.’

Senate Sub. for H.B.2369 enacts the Renewable Energy Standards Act, which codifies the goal of major Kansas utilities generating 10% of their power from renewable sources by 2011, 15% by 2016 and 20% by 2020. This legislation also enacts the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act, which enables customers to use their own generation and sell back the extra electricity they produce to their utility.

SOURCE: Office Of Gov. Mark Parkinson

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