Keep Them Honest


COMMENT OF THE MONTH: This reader comment was posted in response to ‘SolarCity Reveals Details Of Treasury Investigation In Pre-IPO Documents,’ published on Oct. 8.

Re: SolarCity Reveals Details Of Treasury Investigation In Pre-IPO Documents

Look, guys, what this is really about is dishonesty and misinformation in the solar industry (and from the big companies in it).

I charge you to join the industry associations, look at the reports about industry growth, and take action to help keep the industry honest as it grows. It is good that the government. is checking on SolarCity before they even go public.

While it is encouraging for the industry to see an installation company growing this big, we don't want them to be cutting corners, especially when it comes to our taxpayer money.

This industry is exploding in the U.S. It only has about 1% penetration compared to other forms of energy. In Germany, solar is literally 30%-plus of their energy production (and their weather is not even that sunny) – amazing!

If we want to get off the fossil fuel bandwagon, we have an opportunity. (By the way, fossil fuel is one of the most government-subsidized industries!) I charge us all with discovering the costs, benefits, growth potential, and commercialization aspects for yourself. Solar is growing, affordable and a much better alternative for our environment – do your homework on it!

We need less big mouths, and more knowledge, understanding and action to shape and grow this industry into something we can all be proud of.

-‘Solar Instructor’

Editor's Note: To submit your own contribution to Viewpoints, email Jessica Lillian at

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