KIC, a provider of thermal process development and control products, has released the SunKIC – a thermal profiler that is specifically designed for the PV industry.
The compact form factor enables the SunKIC to pass through tight furnace tunnel clearances, and the easy-to-use software makes for quick and convenient profiling, the company says.
Analytical software helps users study and improve upon all the important aspects of the time-temperature profile. Additionally, the tool displays all relevant process data, such as peak temperature, dwell time in various temperature ranges, slope gradients and more. The software also measures ‘the area under the curve’ at any given temperature level to further help users analyze the recorded profile.
KIC says its Process Window Index instantly confirms whether the profile is acceptable. The SunKIC comes standard with a prediction feature that helps solar cell manufacturers improve upon furnace set points, as well as their thermal processes in general.
KIC: (858) 673-6050