Larger Projects Can Qualify For Avista Net-Metering Program


The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved a request from Avista Utilities to allow larger-sized, customer-owned generation projects to qualify for the company's net-metering program.

Currently, customers owning projects up to a capacity of 25 kW are eligible to receive credits for the generation they produce from solar, wind, biomass or hydropower projects. Avista has received PUC approval to increase the size of projects that can qualify for the net metering rate to 100 kW.

Avista allows customers to enroll as net-metering customers on a first-come, first-served basis until the cumulative generating capacity of all customers equals 1.52 MW or about 0.1% of Avista's retail peak demand.

Currently, Avista has 14 Idaho net-metering customers with a collective generation capacity of 37 kW.

SOURCE: The Idaho Public Utilities Commission

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