Locus Energy Develops SolarNOC Asset Management System


Locus Energy has unveiled SolarNOC, a new enterprise-grade Web application for the management of fleets of residential, commercial and utility PV systems.

The first SolarNOC components to be released will be a role-based business intelligence dashboard and a system grouping and filtering tool. The SolarNOC dashboard is a highly customizable web interface for the display of key performance indicators and PV system diagnostic data, the company explains.

Users log into the application and immediately see the most relevant system information and performance metrics for their roles within an organization. The grouping and filtering tool allows users to create and manage dynamic groups of projects, installations and system components.

SolarNOC will go live in the fourth quarter of this year and will be offered as an add-on for all users of Locus Energy's SolarOS monitoring platform. A beta preview will be shown at the upcoming Solar Power International 2012 conference.

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