Louisiana is currently home to approximately 1,832 solar PV installations totaling nearly 11 MW of installed capacity, according to a new report from the Gulf States Renewable Energy Industries Association (GSREIA).
Installation figures increased by 77% from 2010 – with more than 1,000 new units added, and installed capacity more than tripled. Jobs also more than tripled from 2010; in 2011, the industry provided full-time employment to nearly 800 individuals.
If these trends continue, Louisiana could reach more than 2,500 full-time solar jobs in the coming years, GSREIA says, citing research from the U.S. Department of Energy.
GSREIA's analysis employed the Jobs and Economic Development Impact model to estimate current deployment and projected growth rates of solar energy statewide. Initial reports show that solar installations and capacity increased dramatically from previous years, signaling success of the state's renewable energy incentives and prompting increased revenue and job growth.
‘Louisiana's leadership has recognized the historic opportunity for renewable energy and responded appropriately by enacting insightful, long-term policies to support the industry's growth and development statewide,’ says Jeff Cantin, GSREIA secretary.