Main Street Power Dedicates 390 kW PV Project


Gov. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., joined the Colorado Department of Corrections, Black Hills Energy and Main Street Power Co. to inaugurate a four-site, 390 kW PV installation at the San Carlos Correctional Facility in Pueblo, Colo.

According to Main Street Power, which developed the projects, this installation is estimated to save the state nearly $500,000 over 20 years. Canadian Solar provided the PV panels, Satcon provided the inverters, Panel Claw provided the racking equipment and Also Energy provided monitoring, billing and flat-screen displays for the project.

The four installations – at San Carlos, Arkansas Valley, East Canon City Prison Complex and Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility – were placed in service earlier this year and will produce an estimated 11.81 GWh of electricity over the 20-year life of the power purchase agreement.

Main Street Power worked in partnership with MS Solar Solutions, a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bank, the Rose Urban Green Fund, and the Colorado Growth and Revitalization Fund, which is administered by the Colorado Housing Finance Authority. Inmates from the correctional facilities participated in both a pre-installation training program and the installation work itself. Â

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