Manz Develops Revamped SpeedPicker Crystalline Cell Production System


Manz AG has released a new version of SpeedPicker, its automation system for crystalline solar cell manufacturing. The SpeedPicker 1.1 features a throughput rate of 5,000 wafers per hour and a lower breakage rate (0.05%) than competing products, the company says.

The new system is highly accurate and nearly half the size of other systems on the market, requiring a maximum of only seven square meters of space, depending on its configuration, Manz adds. Acquisition and after-sales costs have been cut in half over those of the previous system.

The SpeedPicker 1.1 works with one or two carbon arms mounted and pivoting on a linear axis, therefore guaranteeing absolute precision, the company says. A newly developed Bernoulli gripper and a special image processing system ensure that the wafers are perfectly aligned and offer 100% breakage control during loading and unloading.

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