Maricopa County Approves 150 MW Crossroads Solar Project


SolarReserve says it has received its special use permit by unanimous decision from the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, Ariz., for its Crossroads solar project.

The approval includes 150 MW of electrical generating capacity using SolarReserve's concentrating solar power (CSP) technology and 65 MW of additional solar photovoltaic technology.

This final approval follows two previous unanimously approved Certificates of Environmental Compatibility (CECs) from the Arizona Corporation Commission in February 2011 and a successful Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment by Maricopa County in December 2010, SolarReserve notes.

Located on privately owned and actively cultivated land west of the town of Gila Bend, Ariz., the Crossroads project will supply approximately 500,000 MWh annually, according to SolarReserve. It will utilize the company's molten salt power tower technology that provides the ability to store 10 hours of solar energy per day and generate electricity on demand.

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