The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) have launched the 2013 Solarize Mass program.
The program is designed to increase the adoption of solar energy and further reduce the overall cost of solar power by offering residents and businesses discounted pricing for solar.
‘This bulk purchasing program not only saves residents and businesses money, it creates local jobs and expands our use of home-grown energy sources,’ says Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rick Sullivan.
The program is open to all Massachusetts communities, including those designated by the DOER as Green Communities, which meet five clean energy requirements and commit to reducing energy use by 20%. Individual cities, towns and groups of contiguous municipalities can apply by downloading a request for proposals and applying by Feb. 20.
Last year, 17 cities and towns participated in the program, with 803 residents and businesses signing contracts to install solar electricity systems with the capacity to generate 5.1 MW of electricity.