Nanosolar Begins Thin-Film Panel Production, Unveils Utility Panel


Nanosolar has completed its new thin-film panel-assembly factory in Luckenwalde, Germany, and initiated production at the fully automated facility.

Using Nanosolar's copper indium gallium deselenide cells, the factory produces one solar panel every 10 seconds for an annual capacity of 640 MW when operated 24×7, writes CEO Martin Roscheisen in the company's blog.

In addition, the company has introduced its IEC 61646-certified Utility Panel, which is electrically and mechanically designed for utility-scale solar power systems. According to Roscheisen, the product is the industry's highest-current thin panel, by as much as a factor of six. It is also the industry's first photovoltaic module certified by TUV for a system voltage of 1500 V, or 50% higher than the previously highest certified model.

Mechanically, the package used for the panel is distinctly stronger than that of conventional thin-film-on-glass modules, achieving almost twice the mounting span and thus substantially lower mounting costs, Roscheisen adds.

Nansolar also notes that its cells were recently tested by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and their efficiency was verified at 16.4%.

SOURCE: Nanosolar

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