Net-Metering Legislation Passes In New York


Gov. David A. Paterson, D-N.Y., has announced the passage of a three-way bill negotiated with the legislature to improve net metering. The bill eliminates the peak load limitation on the size of non-residential solar and wind systems that are eligible to participate in the net-metering program.

Non-residential wind and solar systems will now be allowed up to 25 kW, with the interconnection charges capped at $350 and $750 for solar and wind, respectively. For systems above 25 kW, up to the overall cap of 2 MW, the customer would be responsible for the actual interconnection charges.

‘Commercial net metering will allow for a significant increase in the number of customer-sited renewable energy installations throughout the state, which, in turn, has a major impact on our environment and economy,’ says Carol E. Murphy, executive director of the Alliance for Clean Energy New York. ‘This is a great opportunity to not only expand New York's clean energy market and create green jobs, but also make real progress in reducing our energy costs and carbon footprints.’

This legislation is the product of a Net Metering Summit that was convened last fall to facilitate an agreement between renewable energy installers and the state's major utilities.

SOURCE: Office of Gov. David A. Paterson

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