New England States Issue Joint Renewables RFP


Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island have jointly issued a request for proposals (RFP) for Class 1 renewable energy resources.

According to the release, electric distribution companies within Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island will collaborate with their respective state agencies to issue a draft RFP for clean energy resources.

The RFP will seek bids on new Class I renewable energy projects – which include wind, solar, small hydro, biomass and fuel cells – of at least 20 MW and large-scale hydro power projects that were constructed after Jan. 1, 2003.

The draft RFP seeks to allow the states to consider projects for the delivery of clean energy through traditional power purchase agreements (PPAs) that do not require transmission upgrades; PPAs that require transmission; or transmission projects containing clean energy delivery commitments, but without any associated PPAs.

Under the RFP, there is a 30-day comment period that will end on March 26. After comments have been heard and considered, the states will issue a final RFP this spring.

To view the draft RFP, click here.

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