California's local government officials and solar energy contractors seeking details on progress made statewide by cities and counties to create ordinances for expedited solar installation permitting can now find up-to-date information online at the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) website.
Municipalities throughout the state are working to meet the requirements for adopting streamlined solar permitting processes mandated by A.B.2188. The CSE has created a solar permitting act compliance map that shows the actions each jurisdiction is taking.
A.B.2188 requires local ordinances that speed up the installation of small rooftop solar photovoltaic systems up to 10 kW or up to 30 kW for solar water heating and other thermal systems. The permitting process must substantially conform to the California Solar Permitting Guidebook.
Solar contractors can use the map to learn if jurisdictions in which they operate have adopted an expedited solar permitting process, as well as gain access to links to ordinances, permitting requirements and expedited solar permitting forms.
The CSE developed the compliance map with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy's SunShot Initiative. The center offers free technical assistance to local jurisdictions and solar contractors to help them understand and implement the process. The CSE also offers standardized permitting forms and other training resources.
The CSE is offering a webinar for city managers and officials to discuss A.B.2188 and resources for meeting compliance at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 30. For more information, click here.