The New York State Public Service Commission has voted to triple the net-metering limit for solar and other net-metered technologies in Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp.'s service territory.
Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY) applauded the commission for taking what it says is an essential step. Central Hudson had reached its prior net metering limit and had informed PV installers and customers that it would not be providing net metering for any future systems, says Carol E. Murphy, executive director of ACE NY.
‘Now that Central Hudson's increased limit is official, we hope the commission will proceed quickly and decisively in its review of the net metering caps of the other major utilities, especially in light of the goals of the NY-Sun Initiative and the renewable portfolio standard, as well as the growing demand for net metering of other eligible technologies like micro-hydroelectric power and fuel cells,’ Murphy adds.
ACE NY and the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority have requested that the net-metering limits be raised – if not eliminated entirely – for all utilities.