NV Energy say its two Nevada-based utility subsidiaries have issued a request for proposals (RFP) for renewable energy resources.
Proposals will be considered for the following types of renewable energy resources: solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and other resources eligible for portfolio energy credits under Nevada's renewable portfolio standard (RPS). Responses to the RFP are due Oct. 2.
This request is consistent with the company's ongoing plan to surpass the goals of Nevada's new RPS, which was established by the 2009 legislative session and requires 25% of all the company's energy to come from renewable resources or energy efficiency measures by 2025.
The legislative session also established that, for the first time, the company can now use out-of-state resources to meet Nevada's RPS.
Parties interested in submitting proposals, or those seeking more information related to the RFP or renewable energy laws, can visit www.nvenergy.com/renewablerfp.