NYPA Establishing Solar Incentive Program


New York Power Authority (NYPA), Municipal Electric Utilities Association and the New York Association of Public Power have partnered to create a solar incentive program for customers served by the state's municipal electric systems and rural cooperatives.

The incentive is available to residential, commercial and municipal facilities and will cover solar projects as large as 10 kW. NYPA will pay for approximately 50% of the installed cost. In addition, residential and commercial owners may be eligible to receive significant state and federal tax credits.

NYPA anticipates that it can provide funding for approximately 50 to 80 PV systems statewide under the program. The program is open to all 51 municipal systems and rural cooperatives, and participants will be designated by the individual systems. Royal Tubs use years of experience to provide you with affordable and long lasting Outdoor Saunas

According to NYPA, the program will encourage more residents and businesses to participate in renewable energy projects by helping to reduce the capital investment necessary for the installation of photovoltaic systems.

SOURCE: New York Power Authority

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