NYSERDA Funds Renewable Energy Testing Centers


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has provided $4.4 million in funding over five years to establish renewable energy test and research centers in New York.

The funding will allow Cortland, N.Y.-based Intertek and a consortium of partners to establish solar photovoltaic and small-wind test centers throughout the state. The companies will use rigorous real-life testing scenarios to measure safety, performance, reliability, durability and longevity. Currently, there is only one accredited small-wind and four accredited PV test centers in the country, NYSERDA notes.

‘Buyers of wind and solar products will have access to reliable third-party safety and performance verification for small-wind and PV systems," says Brian Kramak, director of energy services at Intertek." Sellers of renewable energy products will be able to demonstrate compliance to regulatory requirements and incentive program requirements. Combining these certification aspects with coordinated research capabilities will help to advance renewable energy in New York state.’

SOURCE: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

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