Ohio Power Siting Board OKs Pair of Solar Projects


The Ohio Power Siting Board has approved applications filed by Fox Squirrel Solar LLC and Powell Creek Solar LLC to construct solar facilities in Madison and Putnam counties, respectively.

The ground-mounted, 577 MW Fox Squirrel Solar project will occupy approximately 3,444 acres within a 3,766-acre project area in Oak Run, Pleasant and Range townships in Madison County. The project will include associated support facilities, such as access roads, electric collection lines, a temporary construction laydown yard, inverters, weather stations and a substation. This project is part of the Geenex Solar development pipeline, owned by EDF Renewables.

The ground-mounted, 150 MW Powell Creek Solar project, owned by Avangrid Renewables, will occupy just under 1,000 acres within an approximately 2,013-acre project area in Palmer and Liberty townships in Putnam County. The project will include associated facilities such as access roads, an operations and maintenance building, weather stations, electric collection lines, inverters and transformers, a substation, laydown yards, a 138 kV generation interconnection transmission line, and a substation.

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