The Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for the finance, design, installation and operation of commercial-scale photovoltaic systems and a solar hot water system within the OUC's service territory. The systems will support the OUC's new Commercial Solar Aggregation Program (featuring eight commercial customer sites) as well as a new 500 kW community solar project.
Specifically, OUC intends to enter into one or more power purchase agreements with the successful bidder for the production of PV and solar thermal energy. The total anticipated DC capacity of the eight PV sites is estimated to be 1.24 MW. The total anticipated solar thermal capacity for the commercial solar site is 77 kW equivalent.
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held May 2, and proposals are due May 26. To download a copy of the RFP, click here.
SOURCE: Orlando Utilities Commission