P2 Solar Plans To Enter Ontario Solar PV Market


Solar power project developer and integrator P2 Solar Inc., which has historically focused on the Indian PV market, says it aims to commission 10 MW or more of solar PV projects in Ontario. Over the past few months, management has undertaken a comprehensive study of Ontario's feed-in-tariff (FIT) program to prepare for an entry into this market.

The company concluded that Ontario's tariff levels are very appealing, and that although market entry requires applicants to navigate certain procedural requirements, there are no minimum financial or other criteria that the applicant is required to meet, except normal stage-by-stage financial closures.

Project approval will be subject to site-specific conditions such as grid congestion, difficulty of grid connectivity and other factors.

The company's next step is to engage a real estate consulting firm that is experienced in site selection, development and tie-up under Ontario's FIT program. These consultants will assist P2 in narrowing down a short list of potential sites to two or three based on additional study of the above factors as well as zoning, soil conditions and other factors.

SOURCE: P2 Solar Inc.

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