Panasonic, tesa Introduce Glass Lettering For Photovoltaics


Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG and tesa SE have jointly developed tesa 6926 LTF-C laser transfer film. According to the companies, this permanent, tamper-proof labeling is suitable for labeling solar modules.

The high-contrast, black lettering is highly resistant to friction and to the effects of weather, temperature (over 1,000 degrees C), and solvents or other chemicals. The labeling uses laser-transfer film contrast, which makes it possible to apply nanoparticles to glass surfaces through laser induction.

The film is first affixed to the glass panel, and the source beams a laser through the glass, onto the LTF-C film. This process means that both the glass surface and the pigment film undergo minimal manipulation, the companies note. Parts of the LTF-C film are pulverized and bonded to the glass. When a labeling film that is optimally aligned to this use is combined with a high-precision laser radiation source, the process enables permanent labeling without damaging the glass.

Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG: 49 080246480

SOURCE: Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG

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