Peerless Electronics Stocking Sensata Solar Arc Fault Detectors


Bethpage, N.Y.-based distributor Peerless Electronics says it is stocking the Sensata PVAF family of solar arc fault detectors.

The PVAF family is a series of arc detection systems for use in inverters or combiner boxes on new arrays or for retrofit boxes on existing arrays. The systems enable photovoltaic inverter and combiner box manufacturers to develop National Electric Code (NEC) 2011-compliant equipment.

New for 2015 is the 20 A version of the PVAF: the PVAF-R4-20A24-002. This Sensata arc fault detector for solar applications enables compliance with NEC 2011 Article 690.11. Each device detects arcs on conductors up to 20 A at 1,000 V (80 A for an entire device). Multiple devices can be nested for larger numbers of strings.

Peerless Electronics says the PVAF-R4-20A24-002 is specifically tuned to maximize the margin of safety against nuisance tripping on arrays with central inverters.


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