PNM Seeking Bids For 4 MW Of PV Planned In New Mexico


PNM – a subsidiary of PNM Resources, an energy holding company based in Albuquerque, N.M. – has asked for bids on the design and installation of 4 MW of new solar PV on its electric system. This total is nearly triple the amount of its system today, PNM says.

PNM is seeking permission from the N.M. Public Regulation Commission to launch a program in which PNM would own this solar capacity, but it would be sited on property owned by participating customers. PNM would pay participating customers lease payments in return for hosting a PNM-owned solar PV system.

PNM has issued a request for proposals for companies interested in designing, engineering, procuring, installing, testing and commissioning various sizes of solar PV systems as part of the program. The number of systems to be installed has not yet been determined.

Companies interested in bidding can obtain more information at Proposals are due Sept. 1.


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