Power Play Research, a provider of research and information in the alternative energy sector, has launched Power Play Global Solar Energy Index (PPGSEI).
The index will be released on a monthly basis, showing monthly and year-to-date returns of companies listed and traded on major stock exchanges throughout the developed world. PPGSEI is for informational purposes only and is not a traded index on any equity market exchange, the company notes.
PPGSEI is divided into specific sub-sector segments within the entire solar power supply chain to illustrate the relative health of each segment of the industry. These sub-sectors include upstream solar energy technology (equipment manufacturing and raw material suppliers); midstream solar energy systems (solar cell manufacturers, cell/module manufactures and module manufacturers); and downstream solar energy (module manufacturers, developers and integrators/developers).
‘As the solar industry continues to rapidly evolve, the PPGSEI index is a unique tool that helps to illustrate the dislocations of this emerging industry by identifying the shift in value within sub-sectors of the supply chain,’ says Trevor Ugolyn, president and research director at Power Play Research.
SOURCE: Power Play Research